Medium Range (3-7 Day) Precipitation and Soil Moisture Forecasts
5-day Quantitative
Precipitation Forecast
Updated daily. This image from the Weather Prediction Center shows the quantity of precipitation in inches forecast to fall over a 5-day period beginning at 00Z (5 pm PDT) on the current day.
7-day Quantitative
Precipitation Forecast
Updated daily. This *experimental* product from the Weather Prediction Center shows the quantity of precipitation in inches forecast to fall over a 7-day period beginning at 00Z (5 pm PDT) on the current day.
7-day QPF
and Anomaly
Updated daily. These images are produced by COLA/IGES using NCEP forecast data. The top image shows the quantity of accumulated precipitation in inches expected over the next 7 days starting at 12Z on the current day. The middle image shows accumulated precipitation for days 8-14. The bottom image shows the departure of the first 7-day accumulation from the CMAP 25-year climatology.
Current Soil Moisture
and Forecast Change
Updated daily. These images are produced by COLA/IGES using NCEP forecast data. The top image shows current soil moisture conditions – liquid water in cm in the top 2 meters of soil. The bottom image shows the forecasted change in soil moisture over the next 7 days.
Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) Projections
EDDI Forecast for
6-Month Period
Updated monthly. EDDI examines how anomalous the atmospheric evaporative demand (also known as "the thirst of the atmosphere") is for a given location and across a time period of interest. This figure provides the projected median EDDI value based on the 20 to 28-member CFSv2 forecast model ensemble output. Figures are updated on the 3rd of each month. The first and second months of the forecast are likely to have the highest skill, though data are provided out six months for consideration.
Evaporative Demand Probabilistic
Forecast for 6-Month Period
Updated monthly. This figure describes the likelihood of near, above, or below normal evaporative demand values based on the 20 to 28-member CFSv2 forecast model output. Figures are updated on the 3rd of each month. The first and second months of the forecast are likely to have the highest skill, though data are provided out six months for consideration.
Medium Range (3-7 Day) Temperature Forecasts
Day 1-5 Minimum
Updated daily. This image from the Weather Prediction Center shows the mean minimum temperature anomaly for a 5-day period beginning at 00Z (5 pm PDT) on the current day. The anomaly is based off the GFS Model Output Statistics (MOS) climatology.
Day 1-5 Maximum
Updated daily. This image from the Weather Prediction Center shows the mean maximum temperature anomaly for a 5-day period beginning at 00Z (5 pm PDT) on the current day. The anomaly is based off the GFS Model Output Statistics (MOS) climatology.
Day 3-7 Minimum
Updated daily.This image from the Weather Prediction Center shows the mean minimum temperature anomaly for days 3-7 out from 00Z (5 pm PDT) on the current day. The forecasts are created using WPC medium-range forecast guidance.
Day 3-7 Maximum
Updated daily. This image from the Weather Prediction Center shows the mean maximum temperature anomaly for days 3-7 out from 00Z (5 pm PDT) on the current day. The forecasts are created using WPC medium-range forecast guidance.
7-day Mean
Surface Temperature
and Anomaly
Updated daily.These images are produced by COLA/IGES using NCEP forecast data. The top image shows the mean surface temperature over the next 7 days starting at 12Z on the current day. The middle image shows mean surface temperature for days 8-14. The bottom image shows the departure of the first 7-day mean temperature from the CRU 100-year climatology.
Climate Prediction Center Short-Term Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks
6-10 Day Temperature
Updated daily. The 6-10 day outlooks give the confidence that a forecaster has, given as probability, that the observed temperature (averaged over the time period of 6-10 days) will be in the range of one of three possible categories. These are below (B), normal (N), or above (A) the 1981-2010 climatological norm for a given area. Blue colors indicate below normal, orange-red colors indicate above. Darker shading indicates a higher level of confidence.
6-10 Day Precipitation
Updated daily. The 6-10 day outlooks give the confidence that a forecaster has, given as probability, that the observed precipitation (averaged over the time period of 6-10 days) will be in the range of one of three possible categories. These are below (B), normal (N), or above (A) the 1981-2010 climatological norm for a given area. Brown colors indicate below normal, green colors indicate above. Darker shading indicates a higher level of confidence.
8-14 Day Temperature
Updated daily. The 8-14 day outlooks give the confidence that a forecaster has, given as probability, that the observed temperature (averaged over the time period of upcoming days 8-14) will be in the range of one of three possible categories. These are below (B), normal (N), or above (A) the 1981-2010 climatological norm for a given area. Blue colors indicate below normal, orange-red colors indicate above. Darker shading indicates a higher level of confidence.
8-14 Day Precipitation
Updated daily. The 8-14 day outlooks give the confidence that a forecaster has, given as probability, that the observed precipitation (averaged over the time period of upcoming days 8-14) will be in the range of one of three possible categories. These are below (B), normal (N), or above (A) the 1981-2010 climatological norm for a given area. Brown colors indicate below normal, green colors indicate above. Darker shading indicates a higher level of confidence.
Climate Prediction Center Long-Term Temperature Outlooks
Updated 3rd week of each month. These maps display the probability of having temperatures that are above (A), below (B), or normal (N), as compared to the 1981-2010 30-year climatological norm for an area. A is based on the 10 warmest years, B on the 10 colest years, and N on the other years of the period. Orange-red colors indicate probabilities of above normal temperatures, while blue colors indicate probabilities of below normal temperatures.
1 Month Outlook
From Current Month
3 Month Outlook
From Current Month
Months 2-4 Outlook
From Current Month
Months 3-5 Outlook
From Current Month
Climate Prediction Center Long-Term Precipitation Outlooks
Updated 3rd week of each month. These maps display the probability of having precipitation that is above (A), below (B), or normal (N), as compared to the 1981-2010 30-year climatological norm for an area. A is based on the 10 wettest years, B on the 10 driest years, and N on the middle years. Green colors indicate probabilities of above normal, while brown colors indicate probabilities below normal.
1 Month Outlook
From Current Month
3 Month Outlook
From Current Month
Months 2-4 Outlook
From Current Month
Months 3-5 Outlook
From Current Month
30-Day North American Multimodel Subseasonal forecast project (NMME SubX)
Updated weekly each Thursday. Forecast anomaly over the next 30 days based on multiple climate models. Anomaly is calculated relative to each model's own historical forecast climatology which consists of forecasts made for the target period during 1999-2016. Forecast data are obtained from the North American Multimodel Subseasonal forecast project (NMME SubX). This map gets updated every Thursday.
Maximum Temperature Minimum Temperature Precipitation
National Multi-Model Ensemble *Experimental* Forecasts (NMME)
Updated monthly. Experimental multi-model temperature and precipitation forecasts from NOAA Climate Prediction Center.
1-Month Probabilistic
1-Month Probabilistic
3-Month Probabilistic
3-Month Probabilistic
Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook
Updated first of each month. Outlooks for current month, following month, and two months beyond that. These assessments are designed to inform decision makers for proactive wildland fire management, thus better protecting lives and property, reducing firefighting costs and improving firefighting efficiency. The following maps represent the cumulative forecasts of the eleven Geographic Area Predictive Services Units and the National Predictive Services Unit.
Current Month Outlook 1 Month Outlook 2 Month Outlook
Streamflow Forecasts
NRCS Truckee R.
@ Farad
Daily Exceedance Guidance Forecasts – displays five exceedance guidance forecasts (colored lines) versus historical range of variability (gray background) and the official monthly forecasts (yellow squares).
CNRFC Humboldt R.
@ Imlay
Updated daily. Streamflow forecasts by ESP and NWS (green, yellow) and actual daily observations (blue).
CNRFC W. Walker R.
b. Little Walker
Updated daily. Streamflow forecasts by ESP and NWS (green, yellow) and actual daily observations (blue).
CNRFC Carson R.
@ Carson City
Updated daily. Streamflow forecasts by ESP and NWS (green, yellow) and actual daily observations (blue).
CNRFC Truckee R.
@ Farad
Updated daily. Streamflow forecasts by ESP and NWS (green, yellow) and actual daily observations (blue).